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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,JeffB Lyr Req: Meaning of Lucana in Isle of st Helena? (10) RE: Lyr Req: Meaning of Lucana in Isle of st Helena? 03 Sep 16

I have always assumed that Lucana meant Lucania, which was a province of Roman Italy covering what is now southern Basilicata and northern Calabria. But this region had no more significance to Bonaparte than Louisianna, which I suppose (along with all the other variants) were guesses made more or less at random by the broadside publishers.

There is a possibility that the original author confused Lucana/Lucania with Liguria, which is where Bonaparte's ancestors came from. Liguria - the area around Genoa - is only about 60 miles north of Elba, and is much closer than to it than Lucania.

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