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reggie miles Lyr Req: Funny Christmas songs (86* d) Lyr Add: ME AND SANTA WE'VE GOT AN UNDERSTANDIN' 23 Nov 17

Me & Santa We've Got An Understandin

This one came to me a few years ago and I've enjoyed sharing it during the holidaze. I've often found myself so busy during the season that I had little time actually enjoy it as others did. I guess that's what sparked this one into being. Click on the above link to see a music video that I created with it, featuring some sweet vintage Santa images. Or paste the following into your browser...

Me and Santa, We've Got An Understandin'
By Reggie Miles © 2008 All rights reserved

Me and Santa we've got an understandin'

While he's workin' in his toy shop, all year long
I'll be hangin' round here, just a singin' this song
Can havin' this much fun really be so wrong?
Yep, me and Santa we've got an understandin'

As he packs up his sleigh, full of all sorts of toys
For all those good little girls and boys
I'll be strummin' my guitar 'n' makin' some noise
Cuz me and Santa we've got an understandin'

Me and Santa we've got an understandin'

Santa understands I'm too busy to lend a hand
Each year as Christmas time draws near
So, he and the elves will have to fill those toy shelves themselves
Besides, I think that I'm allergic to reindeer

Then on Christmas Eve, late at night
When Santa and his reindeer take to the sky in flight
I'll be safe on the ground, hopin' everything goes alright
Cuz me and Santa we've got an understandin'

And while he's surfing the clouds on his midnight ride
With my warm cup of cocoa I'll stay inside
And sit by the fire and rock and glide
Cuz me and Santa we've got an understandin'

Me and Santa we've got an understandin'

Santa understands I'm too busy to lend a hand
Each year as Christmas time draws near
He knows I'm all thumbs when it comes to tyin' ribbon bows
And besides, I think that I'm allergic to reindeer (Ah-choo!)

While he's out there freezin' off his big behind
Slippin' on every icy roof line
I'll be chuggin' mugs of eggnog and feelin' real fine
Cuz me and Santa we've got an understandin'

When he's slidin' along on the snow and ice
Makin' his list and checkin' it twice
I'll be tryin' to remember if I was more naughty or nice
Cuz me and Santa we've got an understandin'

Me and Santa we've got an understandin'

Santa understands that makin' sleigh ride flight plans
Just gets me all weak in the knees
He knows, I'm no good with heights and untanglin' Christmas lights
And reindeer make me sneeze (Ahchoo!)

And as he streaks through the heavens, his cheeks all rosy red
I'll be nestled all toasty tucked away in my bed
With visions of sugar plum fairies dancin' round my head
Cuz me and Santa we've got an understandin'

As he's stuffin' his big belly down all those chimney flues
And scarfin' up his milk and cookie dues
I'll be pickin' and singin' these ol' Yuletide blues
Cuz me and Santa we've got an understandin'

Me and Santa we've got an understandin'

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