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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Auxiris BS: Does CELTIC music exist??? (49) RE: BS: Does CELTIC music exist??? 07 Feb 01

Having had endless problems with record shops here in France and their "celtic collection/compilation" section, I would like to say that I don't really like the term "celtic". When I want to buy specific recordings, I now try to go there with the artist's name, record title, record company and reference number and just order the recordings I want, because I already know they won't be in the bin. It seems to be too much trouble for them to order anything BUT "celtic collections", "favourite pub songs", etc. Sure, there's room for that, too and I relalise that sometimes people prefer to buy a collection that includes lots of artists to find out if they like the music, but it would be nice if the record shops would order a few discs done by this or that band/singer/etc.



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