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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Ewan McVicar Lyr Req: The glesga eskimos (116* d) RE: Lyr Req: The glesga eskimos 05 Sep 18

I just encountered this rammy.
I and Jim always use our own name in this place. I can understand why Observer needs not to. I would too I suppose if I were flinging around accusations, insults, and often unsubstantiated assertions.
'Puerile, pathetic and all a bit sad really'. Very true of much said above by Observer. I've heard some of these songs performed by others a half a dozen times in the past four years, but as nostalgia or historical references.
They, like most songs, were indeed of their time, they lived and then they died. The books and the recordings are stuffed with dead songs. Maybe 3% [unsubstantiated figure warning] survive to be sung 'live' say five years [ufw] after they are made. Please supply your own calculation on this.

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