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GUEST,Ewan McVicar Lyr Req: The glesga eskimos (116* d) RE: Lyr Req: The glesga eskimos 10 Sep 18

Here you are riding coat tails again. Why do you think Jim started the query? Because he had no doubts as to the answer? Really?
If you came round the front you would see better. I would have more respect for you if I knew what you yourself have accomplished. I can see how good you are are criticising others how have done something of worth.
Let's take just one of your jibes. I have good friends in Russia, I had the chance to visit and work with them. None of them think that their country would be better off now had the Tzarist system continued. None of them seemed to think they had lived in 'a workers paradise', but then I would not have been silly enough to think they would think that. Some of them were unsuyre if what they have now is better than what they had under the USSR, but they live in hopes.
The USSR did a lot of good and a lot of harm. All empires go bust. The British Empire did a lot of good and a lot of harm, so did the Roman Empire. Gordon MacCulloch, labelled by some as a tankie, sees/saw different 'truths' from you or I. My grandfather could explain all the twists and turns of the British Communist Party from 1929 to the 1970s and make them sound sensible and necessary - while you listened to him!
This is an auld sang, with some challengeable assertions. I assume you will next proceed to demand that all suspect pro and anti Jacobite songs be winnowed for 'historical accuracy', and the 'truth' be proclaimed.

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