1. DJT is not Judge Kavanaugh. The idea that there is any similarity between is a great piece of comedy. Sorry I don't think DJTs acts have any bearing on the innocence of the Judge. 2. As pointed out in separate Committee meetings, by Joe Biden in the Anita Hill fiasco, and by the current chair in this one, FBI investigation is useless because it can only offer statements of the actors to the court of adjudication, and, as is repeated in both hearings, the relevant participants are there in person under oath to provide them. Why bother with wasting FBI resources? Except that somebody wants to delay the vote? 3. Mark Judge. He, a recovering alcoholic, so the media reports, denies Dr Ford's claim. As well, he took his right to not participate any further in the matter, protected by our US laws. Be aware that any Lawyer would make hay with him in a Subpoena / witness stand, IOW he would not be much use to either side.