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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
John M Lyr Req: Shanty (Jonathan Edwards) (7) Lyr Add: SHANTY (Jonathan Edwards) 28 Sep 98

Gonna sit down in the Kitchen fix me somethin good to eat, and make my head a lttle high, make the whole day complete,
( Gunna lay round the shanty mama and put a good buzz on )

Pass it to me baby, pass it to me slow,
and take time out to smile a little before you let it go
( Gunna ----Buzz on )


There ain't nothin much to do and theres always room for more,
fill up, light up and close the door,
( Were gonna ------- Buzz on )

Every night and day if I can help it
We're gonna lay round the shanty Mama and put a good buzz on

Thats It Newt

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