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GUEST,kenny Origins: Gaelic Waltz - Alan Stivell - Gaeltacht (32) RE: Origins: Gaelic Waltz - Alan Stivell - Gaeltacht 18 Feb 19

Hi Helen - I've known the "Tannahill Weavers" since around 1970, and at that time they were playing more Irish music than Scottish. If Stivell recorded the tune in 1971, I'd be fairly certain that he did not get it from the "Tannahill Weavers". I'll ask Phil Smillie on Saturday if I get the chance.
You've got me interested in the history of the tune now. I can't find much by "Googling" except that there's a 17th century inn by that name in Lochgilphead on the west of Scotland. By one of these strange coincidences, I'll be passing through there next week. I'll go in and ask !
Regards, Kenny

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