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Jesse Bassfeller Origins: Not 'A Miners' Life'! Irish attribution? (6) Origins: Not 'A Miners' Life! Irish attribution? 07 Oct 19

I was reading program notes for one of my sons' upcoming choir concerts and found a very nice choral version of A Miner's Life by Seth Houston - I think it's very well arranged for the age groups it's intended for. Well done, Dr. Houston! However I read the following in the notes:

'Arrangement by Seth Houston of traditional Irish song for SATB chorus with tenor soloist, violin, flute, piano, bass, and 2 percussion. Performed by USC Thornton University Chorus, April 28, 2012, conducted by the arranger. Published by Santa Barbara Music Publishing, Inc. (SBMP 1086).'

Here's a link to the Soundcloud recording:

So, I would understand a Welsh attribution for the tune Calon Lân or American attribution for 'Life's Railway to Heaven' but I don't get the Irish attribution.   



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