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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Brian Peters The current state of folk music in UK (2105* d) RE: The current state of folk music in UK 10 Nov 19

<"I have been into a totally trad thing - in Lymm. When I walked with a guitar the immediate comment "well you are not playing that here".">

Nick, are you sure you have the right club? I've been playing Lymm FC for a couple of decades, and it was never like that. The present organiser is Bernard Cromarty, who plays guitar and accordion. Before him it was Stewart Lever, who was a handy guitar picker and preferred contemporary song. The previous two organisers played guitar too, as did (I think) every resident and floorsnger last time I was there. It's a good folk club, and I wouldn't want it getting a reputation for intolerance.

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