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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Kenny The current state of folk music in UK (2105* d) RE: The current state of folk music in UK 22 Nov 19

"You don't know anything about the Irish music scene in the UK
That's just silly. You can't do any kind of trad without interacting with the Irish scene".
Reply : absolute rubbish

"Ireland doesn't have "music buffs", they have musicians who play traditional music
You were the one who introduced the label.
Yes, the phrases are synonymous".
Reply : Tell me how many Irish traditional musicians you have met who have described themselves as "music buffs".

There have been books of Irish polkas in the past
Please list them [ plural ].
The one I have is the Fiddlecase one (mostly but not exclusively Irish) which supplied all I'd ever need 40 years ago. I have seen others since but wasn't in the market for one. Maybe the Roche collection has some? - I can't find mine right now, if I wanted to look one up on paper I'd use Breathnach's "Ceol Rince na hEireann".
Reply : "mostly but not exclusively Irish", "40 years ago". Irish music has moved on a bit since then.
"Would anybody in an Irish session these days point a newcomer to one as a standard reference?
No. They don't need to.
Which is the point I was making.
Reply : You didn't make a point, you asked a question.
Why be so fucking confrontational about agreeing with me, whoever the fuck you are?
I'm not agreeing with a single thing you say, because you don't know fuck all about Irish traditional music.
My name is Kenny Hadden.

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