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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,PeterC Adverts on Mudcat Cafe threads. (53* d) RE: Adverts on Mudcat Cafe threads. 08 Jan 20

I get the in thread ads with Chrome on my phone but not with Firefox on my laptop. I do get ads at the top of the page with Firefox so not totally blocked.

Regarding content, the publisher can control this in their Google account and block topics such as "adult" and "political". If advertisers are mis-classifying their ads then complaints need to me made to Google (with screenshots).

Some ads pay per view and some per click, you can't tell which is which.

DO NOT post encouraging people to click on ads, Google regard this as fraud ansd can and do ban publishers if such posts are allowed to remain online.

Peter - Former Adsense and Adwords user.

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