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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,kenny Current Great Folk Clubs? (143* d) RE: Current Great Folk Clubs? 02 Feb 20

Some definitions required for this thread to be meaningful, I'd say.
a - the original poster was quite specific about what he / she meant as "Current" - "shall we say in the last year ?"
b - " the one(s) you have enjoyed " - ie you have had to have been there yourself, not "hearsay".
c - "Great" - you tell me how you define that.
d - "Folk Clubs" - I'll be generous and would say an event which advertises itself as "xxxxxxx Folk Club". "Club" implies meeting throughout the year at regular intervals, and with a membership. It's certainly not any of the poxy "open mic" sessions I've seen in pubs in Aberdeen.
S0 - where are the "Current Great Folk Clubs" in the UK in 2019/2020, and why ? Are there any ?

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