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GUEST,kenny Origins: Swarbrick's Slip Jig for Tam Lin (17) RE: Origins: Swarbrick's Slip Jig for Tam Lin 15 May 20

"Dave Swarbrick created the arrangement of Tam Lin for Fairport Convention, basing it on a slip jig. " What's the source of that information ?
It certainly wasn't "Tam Lin" aka [ wrongly ] "The Glasgow Reel", as "Tam Lin" - the song - was recorded by Fairport in 1969, and the reel "Tam Lin" was composed by Davy Arthur sometime in the 1970s, as far as I know.
At a stretch, the ascending sequence of notes in the song tune could possibly mimic the first few bars of "The Kid On The Mountain", but I'm not at all convinced about that. Swarbrick did record his version of "The Kid On The Mountain" on "Rags, Reels and Airs".

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