“John Moulden On Irish Songs” – New Website - https://johnmouldenonirishsongs.wordpress.com/ I’ve been writing and talking about Irish songs for over fifty years. For some of those, friends have been suggesting I gather my published work together. I’m afraid these suggestions have now been acted upon. Under pandemical pressure, I’ve constructed a website “John Moulden On Irish Songs” with the address https://johnmouldenonirishsongs.wordpress.com/. At present it has some introductory items built into a structure which, I hope, can be easily followed. Eventually, a few items each month, it is intended to hold house all my papers and a good number of presentations. Essentially, it’s to be quarried, according to each user’s interest and inclination, though it would be best to start at Home and follow suggestions. Feedback will be welcomed; my full arguments will only become clear when it’s all been posted. Posted on 1st September 2020, with apologies for multiplication, to: Facebook Pages – John Moulden, Irish Song Research, Re:Zoomed Singing Sessions, Traditional Songs and Singers, Singing Circles; mudcat.org; tradsong.org; ballad-l; ballads@jiscmail.ac.uk; irtad-l belfastfolk.co.uk