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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
reggie miles How I Met the Mudcat (hbd) (19) RE: How I Met the Mudcat (hbd) 01 Oct 20

I can't recall. Somewhere someone mentioned it, or I saw it as part of some flyer, back when I was taking my first few steps into the online world.

I felt functionally illiterate when I first got here. Writing replies to text chat topics was not an easy thing for me. But eventually, the reading and writing slowly helped me to gain a small amount of skill at each of those tasks. Now, more than a few would rather I write less, rather than more.

This blossoming of those skills also opened up my ability with songwriting. More than a few of my favorites are rather lengthy. So, my time here was an awakening, a transformational experience, one that allowed me to organize my thoughts and find my voice.

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