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Vincent Jones BS: New news on the pandemic COVID-19 (2540* d) RE: BS: Bloody lockdown Mk 2 06 Nov 20

Yes, lockdown is a bugger. Yes, a more regional approach would be a better approach. Yes, schools and colleges remaining open is a ridiculous exception. Yes, years of Tory government, not to mention New Labour, have done much to knacker the NHS. And yes, the consequences of lockdown other than covid has caused an increase in child abuse, violence against women and suicide.

I'm optimistic enough to think that most people try to do the right thing, and will take note of advice. To keep the R number down, however, requires nearly everyone to do the right thing, but there are enough idiots, conspiracy theorists and others behaving like the bloke in Bonzo's pharmacy to keep R well above 1. I haven't the optimism to think that a government that can't find its arse with both hands could produce a national education programme to nudge such people into responsible behaviour.

Death by covid is lonely, painful, distressing and violent. This lockdown will prevent some of these deaths.

Had the NHS the capacity, and had the government been responsible in the way it built up resources to deal with the pandemic, rather than handing lucrative contracts to their mates, then perhaps the lockdown would not be necessary.

By all means moan about what a bastard it all is, though.

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