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GUEST,Ewan McVicar 2020 Obit: Tom Laurie (10) RE: 2020 Obit: Tom Laurie 28 Dec 20

Tom is most correctly being praised as a singer, but he was also a fine organiser of folk matters in Glasgow - for example he set up a Trust whose proper name escapes me, and one year school classes were bussed into Scotland Street School Museum for a day of workshops. I ran one teaching children's songs. In the first one a small hand went up, and the girl said 'We sing songs like that'. That small collector inspired me to spend years collecting in schools, studying for an MSc on the topic and eventually a couple of books. Thanks to Tom and his very able organiser [her name also escapes memory, alas.]
I have a notion he was a prime mover when the Star Club moved to St Andrew's In The Square.

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