I was at the hospital, on the 5th floor in the adult psychiatric unit when I realized the building was shaking. I asked the occupational therapist if she felt the building shake, and she said, in a very awed voice, it's an earthquake, and we went and stood in a doorway. It seemed to last a long time, although I'm told in reality it wasn't longer than 45 seconds. I became concerned about the patients and how they were doing; when the shaking stopped, I went out into the hallway and everybody, staff and patients, were all crowded around the tv, listening to someone describe what we'd just experienced, and starting an office pool on the severity of the quake. We all under-estimated, but that's because of the distance we are (in Portland) from the epicenter. The rest of the day was business as usual. I'm very glad to hear that Seattle-area Mudcattoisie are doing OK. blt