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Catamariner Tune Req: The Fisherman's Song / Fishermen's Song (23) RE: Tune Req: The Fisherman's Song / Fishermen's Song 17 Jan 21

argh. The changes are in the wrong places AGAIN. Sorry... can't do the typesetting. chords are on:

storm shore woman stand[ing]
spray jewels hair
sea rocks des[olate] land[ing]
though known there

she down [con]demn ocean
mur[derous] loss man
boat out Wed[nesday] morn[ing]
feared down hands

I do like to go to the F rather than transition from the Am in the 2nd line of the chorus, but I am strumming and ymmv. Thanks for posting chords to start with! It's so beautiful and it should be done among friends, but is in copyright and of course not recorded without permission.

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