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RunrigFan Lyr Add: Hoireann O (4) RE: Lyr Add: Hoireann O 16 Jun 21



Capercailli - Nadurra - 2000

Is Mouth Music and Talitha MacKenzie the same song or a diffent song altogether

From Harris Tweed coection

Full lyrics

'S moch an diugh a rinn mi eirigh

(after each verse)
Hoireann o hi ri u ho Hoireann o hi ri u ho
Hu o ai hi o ho eile Hu o ai hi o ho eile
Hoireann o hi ri u ho Hoireann o hi ri u ho

Ghabh mi mach ri gleann na geigeadh

Thaining mi steach gleann na spreidheadh

Phuair mi ghruagach dhonn gun eirigh

Lub mi 'na mo bhreacan fhein i

'S thug mi boid nach b'eagal beud dhi

Gun tugainn dha mathair fhein i

Gos tugainn coir o'n chleir oirr'

Oidhche dhomh 's mi tuath air Eirinn

Cruinn 'gan lubadh, siuil 'gan reubadh

'S mise ghaoil a bha 'nam eiginn

Ach ma thilleas mis' as Eirinn

'S tusa ghaoil a gheibh am preusant

Gun dh' an t-sioda 's cleoc a reir sein

'S fainne 'n oir 's a faic thu t'eugaisg

'S ged nach cunnt mi moran spreidheadh

Cha bhi uallach loin neo eis oirinn

Bheirinn fiadh o aird an t-sleibhe

Bheirinn breac o'n linnidh Shleitich

Cha bi farmad ort ri t'eile

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