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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
RunrigFan Lyr Req: Nil 'na La - a Halloween song? (53* d) RE: Lyr Req: Nil 'na La - a Halloween song? 22 Jun 21

I went into a house last night
And I asked the trust of the landlady
She told me you won't get a drop
Hit the road and go home

It’s not the day, it’s not my love
It is not the day and it will not be until morning
It is not the day and won't be for a while
The moon is a high and bright

I put my hand in my pocket
I asked her to break a shilling
She told me sit down at a table
Drink here until morning

Sit down, man of the house
Put on your trousers and hat
You can play music with the fine lad
Who'll be drinking here until morning

Am I not the senseless man
That put my rent in my throat
I was the cause of my woe
And I left fortune to others

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