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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
RunrigFan Lyr Add: Peigín is Peadar (7) RE: Lyr Add: Peigín is Peadar 26 Jun 21

Peigi, my friend, and Peigi, my heart
Who is that tall man stretched alongside you?

Oh a ho, oh a ho
Oh a hi, my lovem oh love of my heart

Peadar, my friend, and Peadar, my heart
That is your baby whom you never saw

Oh I walked east and I walked west
But a beard on a baby I have never before seen

Peigi, my love, and Peigi, my heart
Rise up now and prepare some food

Peadar, my friend, and Peadar, my heart
I have not a grain of yellow meal in the house

Peigi, my love, and Peigi, my heart
In the bottom of my bag there is a yellow meal cake

Peigi and my son, we will sit down
I'll never leave home again for as long as I live

Hey Filipa, I put Peigín Is Peadar and no results and assumed it wasn't listed

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