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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
RunrigFan Lyr Add: Come Walk With Me (1) Lyr Add: Come Walk With Me (Marvia Providence) 23 Jul 21

From Marvia Providence album, Thank you from 2003

Along life's way I stumbled in the darkness
My blinded eyes had caused my feet to roam,
I met the Lord, who spoke to me so sweetly, yes
Come walk with me and I will see you home


(Yes) Come walk with me
The way Is strait and narrow, yes
Come walk with me,
You cannot walk alone (cannot walk alone)
For the road Is very long, yes
And there are many many dangers, yes
Come walk with me
And I will see you home.

repeat chorus

I listened to the blessed invitation, yes
I asked the Lord if He would take me in
ah, Yes He said repent
And turn to Me in prayer, yes
And someday soon (yes He will) I'll lead you safely home


Come walk with me (yes)
The way Is strait and narrow (oh Lord), yes
Come walk with me,
You cannot walk alone (cannot walk alone)
For the road Is very long
And there are many many dangers, yes
Come walk with me
And I will see you home.

So now I walk with Christ My blessed Saviour
I need not fear for I am not alone
He guides me through this life With all it^s sorrows,
And some day soon He^ll see me safely home.

Come walk with me
The way is strait and narrow
Come walk with me,
You cannot walk alone;
For the road Is rough
And there are many dangers
Come walk with me
And I will see you home.

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