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GUEST,Ewan McVicar Scots Trad Awards 2021 (33) RE: Scots Trad Awards 2021 16 Dec 21

Well, the list of industrial 'winners' is there online, but I have still have not learned the names of the three who got awards for meritorious service to the tradition.
And I too got too furious to want to attend after two years in a row having young self-satisfied 'professional' musicians standing close behind me shouting their self-regard so loudly I could not enjoy their pals who were giving it laldy on the stage.
Plockton and the Conservatoire have indeed trained up a lot of youngsters to be remarkably technically skillful, but the distance between performer and listener has increased and become passive admiration rather than active involvement.
Good luck to them, but [with a few honourable exceptions] by and large they are not my kind of people.

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