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GUEST,John Moulden EFDSS proposed name change (243* d) RE: EFDSS proposed name change 23 Dec 21

Although born in Northern Ireland of English parents. I am, since Brexit, more inclined to think of myself as Irish. I am a long time member of EFDSS, I was also a committee member of the now ceased Folk Music Society of Ireland. That Society asserted its Irishness but did not, and nor did its name, preclude it from interest in any other folk music, indeed among its publications was a cassette of French songs.
I favour that EFDSS should change its name to The Folk Song and Dance Society of England - EFDSS has never confined itself to dance and song, folk plays and folk art have always been seen, as they are, indivisible from dance and song. The catch-all Folk Arts is pretty meaningless. And, yes, the challenge is marketing but, since the present name of the Society is seen as an impediment to wider acceptance in the communities, it's a start. The other debate is for another thread.

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