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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
r.padgett EFDSS proposed name change (243* d) RE: EFDSS proposed name change 26 Dec 21

Thanks Mo the caller ~ my folk activities are normally acting as a emcee at the likes of Whitby, Saltburn and Warwick (in the past) Whitby ff had certain PL issues and I was told that public house insurance was not necessarily to relied upon nor their own PL insurance (Whitby in particular) but EFDSS membership conferred a sufficient level of Public liability insurance

I received the above pasted statement as above from Sandman when I renewed my EFDSS membership, once again!

Now I am confused ~ are EFDDSS saying that they are wishing to tighten up on the coverage and that a blanket approach is not acceptable and that specific sort of gig PL needs to be spelled out on all occasions ~ looks like a hornets nest to me ~ ££?


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