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r.padgett EFDSS proposed name change (243* d) RE: EFDSS proposed name change 04 Jan 22

‘The English Folk Dance and Song Society’ is cumbersome and is usually shortened to the acronym EFDSS — meaningless to the vast majority of the population, and even to many people who already enjoy folk music and dance.
"There is incontrovertible evidence that many people feel excluded by the word ‘English’.
‘Dance and Song’ neglects our significant activities on music.
To many, ‘Society’ suggests an inward-looking and reactionary bureaucracy.
In summary, the name is no longer appropriate for the organisation’s multi-faceted activities as the national champion of the folk music and dance of England.
It would be easy to keep the status quo. But our Aims and Objectives include an undertaking to ‘celebrate diversity and promote equality’. We must now consider a change of name if we are to fulfil our essential ambitions of widening the appeal of the folk music, dance, customs and traditions of England.

The Board consider Folk Arts England to be an appropriate name."

What do you reckon? Looks like the consultation is over Jan 5th ~ so back to basket weaving then??

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