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fretless Lyr ADD: St. Anne's Reel (15) RE: Lyr Req: St. Anne's Reel 12 Feb 22

Thanks, all. Helen got he right link. I was hoping someone had already transcribed the words so I wouldn't have to. Stompin' Tom's version begins:

I was livin' in the city where you never get to know
Why they never play a fiddle on the radio,
Then one day I met a country girl
And now I'm a-livin' in another world.

When I get the time and energy I'll finish the transcription and post it to the 'cat.

The tune is, as Helen commented, "rollicking good" and a staple at the old time jams from decades ago.

Stompin' Tom's addition of words to the fiddle tune belongs in a class of late-word-additions-to established-wordless-tunes, in which category I would also place Grian MacGregor's fine word's to Jay Unger's Ashokan Farewell. But maybe that's a subject for another thread.

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