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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
fretless Lyr ADD: St. Anne's Reel (15) RE: Lyr Req: St. Anne's Reel 12 Feb 22

OK. Since no one else seems to have done it, here they are. All those dropped "g's" seem reasonable since--after all--the words come from Stompin' Tom.
For his own rendition of the song, see the link posted by Helen above. And if you want punctuation, add it yourself. Tom didn't include any in his sung version, so Im not adding it here.

I was livin’ in the city where you never get to know
Why they never play a fiddle on the radio.
Then one day I met a country girl
And now I’m livin’ in another world

Up to the barn dance we did go
Swing your honey and you do-si-do
Fiddle up a little bit of St. Anne’s Reel
Promenade her home and then click your heels

A little sip of cider wouldn’t do any harm
When you take her for a hayride on the farm
Make that country girl your wife
And you’ll be happy all your life

Take a little guitar, sing a little song
_____ up the old man steppin’ right along
Do a little kissin’ if you get a chance
When you do a little swingin’ at the old barn dance

Blue dog chewin’ on the old man’s pipe
Old man shooin’ at the dog all night
Where did the caller’s hair piece go
It’s hangin’ on the end of the fiddler’s bow

Have another corncob yellow and big
Clap your hands now and do a little jig
Swing your honey all around the hall
Promenade her home and that’ll be all

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