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RunrigFan Lyr Add: Soldier's Song (Dave Gibb) (5) Lyr Add: Soldier's Song (Dave Gibb) 17 Mar 22

A Soldier’s Song
©Dave Gibb 2009 PRS/MCPS

I have fought for survival and fought for beliefs
I’ve been fighting since time first began
Since we learned to walk upright I’ve been marching to war
It’s a curse that’s the burden of man
I’ve been hailed as a hero and damned as a fool
By those I have sworn to defend
But no matter how far or how long I’m away
I just want to go back home again

I may not return in the way we had hoped
And not in the way we had dreamed
But if all that remain are the memories you hold
Then that will be all right by me

I fought in the heather on wild windswept hills
I have fought through the deserts of Spain
I fought for Raj – where my body lies still
And I fought through the Normandy Rain
I have fought as a hero and fought as a fool
I’ve cried and I’ve died all alone
But no matter wherever this body may fall
The spirit will find its way home

I may not return in the way we had hoped
And not in the way we had dreamed
But if all that remain are the memories you hold
Then that will be all right by me

from the album Goldscaur

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