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Jon Freeman FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux (1030* d) RE: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux 26 Jun 22

I don’t usually watch streaming tv but SRS’s post just gave me an idea. I’ve just used the (UK) ITV streaming service to finish off the Midsomer Murders recording I’d been watching earlier but had stopped 10 minutes before the end. Repeat episodes are shown regularly on ITV3 and new episodes come on ITV1 here. I’ve (again) set MythTV to record both when episodes not already recorded crop up and have watched quite a few episodes lately.

Before that, I went through some DVD sets I have (The Avengers, The New Avengers and The Champions) for say 1hr a night something to watch. I think I might get The Prisoner some time.

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