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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Jon Freeman Tech: Playing with the DT (39) RE: Tech: Playing with the DT 13 Jul 22

I’m glad it’s of use, Phil.

As I indicted before, it wasn’t intended as a complete solution. It was more an experiment to see how an off line platform independent dt version might be achieved and it was intended to be hacked out fairly quickly.

(If you can call taking getting towards two days on it quickly – It took me quite a while to work out how to use the 3rd party JavaScript code, and I had to modify my existing [I did have my conversion to a php/mysql version as a starting point] php attempt to convert sw to abc on the fly to fill a database column with abc ...).

I guess an offline version is a bit late in the day for most anyway. Most people are connected wherever they go with phones and, on a different line of thought, I don’t suppose there will ever be another version of the dt released so that’s what I think was a historical problem gone.

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