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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Jon Freeman Tech: Playing with the DT (39) RE: Tech: Playing with the DT 13 Jul 22

I'm not sure that's right Joe:
The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97655   Message #2172736
Posted By: Joe Offer
17-Oct-07 - 12:50 AM
Thread Name: Digital Tradition Upgrade?
Subject: RE: Digital Tradition Upgrade?

    You know, I'll betcha somebody would like to know that Jeff put the 2007 online edition of the Digital Tradition is now available here at Mudcat. This includes additions that have been made since 2002, but I don't know all the edition dates. I do know that you can search for Feb07 and find the stuff that came out this year.
    There's a lot of manual labor involved in this, to keep our old links to Digital Tradition songs working.
    Thank you very much, Jeff - and thanks to Dick and Susan for the work they do constantly, putting together all the information. They've added hundreds of songs.
    How many songs in the database now, Dick?
    -Joe Offer-

There seems to be a bit of doubt on this but as far I can make out, Mudcat did get a 2007 upgrade but that version was never circulated in the other formats.

I've never made any corrections or additions to anything I've done with the dt. I guess there is always the chance of something getting lost or going a bit awry with a conversion but, to the best of my ability, it's simply the 2002 (at least I'm pretty sure it's that) iversion in other formats.

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