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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
RunrigFan Lyr Req: Men of the Deep (Bruce Guthro) (5) RE: Lyr Req: Men of the Deep (Bruce Guthro) 05 Jan 23

It's quarter past six in the morning
Seems like I just closed my eyes
Mornin' comes quick on these weary old bones
I see the sun starting to rise
Fire must have went out the house is so cold
North Wall is callin' so I have to go down and


Haul in the timbers, set up the jacks
Make one more trip down those coal covered tracks
Like all those people before me their souls rest in peace
I pray they watch o'er me the men of the deep

Coal stove the tea is 'a brewin'
As I shake off the cold fro my bones
Thinkin' 'bout things i'd rather be doin'
Than workin' to pay past due loans
Workin' in darkness a thousand feet under
Where the big miner cuts
And the coal falls like thunder

Repeat chorus twice

Like my daddy before me
May his soul rest in peace
I pray he'll watch o'er me this man of the deep

(Bruce Gouthro)

From the album Sails To The Wind - 1994

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