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AKS Happy Kalevala Day (42) RE: Happy Kalevala Day 13 Mar 01

Gee, I like that stuff about St. Urho! It should not be taken too seriously though, it's fictional, in the end. But isn't it as good as any reason for a booze-up; I think the Irish have it that way, don't they ;-)

The Finns have known how to brew for ages: Oluen synty 'beer's birth/creating' is an important part of our mythology. Sima in its present form, I think, has come from Sweden; at least they have a similar drink there called mjöd. Originally the Finns made it of honey. Today it is very strongly seasonal and connected with the 1st of May. Marvellous drink if 'brewed' correctly and it should NOT be made very strong, no more than 2-3 % of alcohol imo!

Kippis! (~cheers) AKS

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