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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST, BS: Help! I'm Moving My Pussies... (40) RE: BS: Help! I'm Moving My Pussies... 13 Mar 01

We were really worried about traumatizing our four cats on our recent move, but it was the opposite! (Although poor Buster did get carsick just as we pulled into the new garage...WARNING SIGN: If your cat starts licking his lips over and over, he's about to spew...)

We put the litter box in the new master bath, and put some food and water in the bedroom. We opened the crates and shut the cats in there for an hour to go to supper. Little Duncan, the skittish one, immediately shot under our old dresser and stayed there, Sunny stayed in her crate, and Buster and Gracie got out to explore a bit.

When we got back, all the cats were fine, and they loved exploring the new house! Sunny and Buster used to fight and hiss in the old house, but now they curl up together in the morning sun. I think moving to a larger house really helped them bond because they aren't encroaching so much on each other's territory. We thought they'd be under the bed for a good week before coming out, but it was nothing like that.

Hope your move goes as well!

Reece Watkins

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