Is the name of the English ballad Winstock refers to as the roots of "Love Farewell" known? It looks like neither "Love Farewell" nor the verses given as an example of the English are in the Petrie collection which Winstock gives as his source. It's possible I missed it though. Winstock cites the British Museum, 1162.c.2. Naval Songs and Ballads (Charles Harding Firth, 1909) also cites this same pressmark when talking about the song "A Song in Praise of Captain Hornsby" saying it's from The Pretty Milkmaid's Garland. Looks like the answer would be in there? I can't find anything online, and the British Museum is a little out of reach for me here in the US. It could be something really obvious that I'm just missing though. Exiting that the Ballad Index dates the song at 1901 with fragments of the chorus in The Mulligans (Edward Harring), but this thread has pushed that way back to 1873 with roots going all the way back to potentially the 1700s!