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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Jon Freeman Tech: Website certificate expired, etc... (16) RE: Website certificate expired... 10 Oct 23

While wondering what to do to occupy some time, I decided to think about what I might do with a link maker. Here’s one attempt at a JavaScript possibility:

function rep(url, remove=false){
       prefix = "";
       u = new URL(url, prefix);
       pathpart = u.pathname;
       if (>=0) {
            mc ="");
            if (mc >= 0 && remove){
                pathpart = pathpart.substr(mc+10);
            hostpart = prefix;
            hostpart = u.protocol + "//" + u.hostname;
       return '<a href="' + hostpart + pathpart + + '">' +
                ' + hostpart + pathpart + + '</a>(input url: ' + url + ')';

and some test urls.
<a href=""></a>(input url:
<a href=""></a>(input url: /thread.cfm?threadid=172747)
<a href=""></a>(input url:
<a href=""></a>(input url:
<a href=""></a>(input url:
<a href=""></a>(input url:
<a href=""></a>(input url:

<a href=""></a>(input url:
<a href=""></a>(input url:

<a href=""></a>(input url:
<a href=""></a>(input url:

As I guess it represents "mudcat best practises" these days, links to Mudcat pages are returned as starting "" regardless of whether http or https or subdomains (eg. www.) are given in input.

The last 4 examples show bit of a puzzle to me. That is when is supplied without http(s)://. By my current thinking, without the protocol, the link given is relative so, eg. is part of the path and a result like is correct. On the other hand, I think this behaviour has been considered a bug. I’ve left the question open in this example. Calling the function with remove set to true removes the apparent duplication.

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