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GUEST,Ewan McVicar Folklore: Scottish Women and song (21) RE: Folklore: Scottish Women and song 24 Jul 24

Very nice words to get, Susanne! Thanks.
However, it would feel rather likely to get me into trouble with various singing female friends and acquaintances if I started listing/describing them and evaluating their relative achievements with implied rankings. You will note that all the singers in the They Sang Bonny Book are [I think?] dead. The same applies to the Carpenter and Goldstein websites I made [though I have found a couple of living Buchan singers who were recorded by Goldstein].
Just finishing a website that puts on line my Eskimo Republic book text, adding in lots of images and song tracks and Youtube videos.
Next I have promised to reconstitute in scrambled Scots my Scots Sangs Fur Schools website that was blootered by the webhosters.
Can't load up on line my Doh Ray Me When Ah Wis Wee book because the publishers still hold it, but the publishers of the Hamish book handed that back to me - interesting possibilities there maybe? Tell more about the people etc he told about perhaps. We've lost so many of them. When I told him that the laws of libel applied to him as well as the publishers, that's when He went through the text and took half of the names out. Oye oye, too many possibilities. Run away, run away.

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