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Bill D BS: American Presidential race 2024 (833* d) RE: BS: American Presidential race 2024 23 Aug 24

Ever curious, I would briefly change the channel on my TV to the Fox News site to see what they were doing.
It is interesting that they felt compelled to carry most of the DNC prime time stuff.... except when the speaker was particularly critical of Republicans in general and The Donald in particular. Still, this is the most I have ever seen of FOX actually broadcasting Democratic speakers extolling the virtues of Harris and comparing her to the alternative!
   Then, at the very end, after the balloons fell, the had Trump himself on by phone, repeating his usual diatribes about crowd size and lies about what he claims Kamala will do. The Fox hosts were visibly uncomfortable with his stream of BS and finally had to cut away for a commercial.
   I doubt that die-hard Fox viewers have ever heard more reasons to reconsider their vote.

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