"... it was the Dems who put the system in place when it suited them." That was when the "Dems" were like the Repubs now. The electoral college was blatantly a racist vehicle when it was created in order to increase population counts for southern states. "The Electoral College was officially selected as the means of electing president towards the end of the Constitutional Convention due to pressure from slave states wanting to increase their voting power (since they could count slaves as 3/5 of a person when allocating electors) and by small states who increased their power due to the minimum of three electors per state" Now it serves no purpose except to keep the south with more power than their actual votes. Trump was elected even with fewer total votes nationally... and only by a few thousand in several states. Since it is still in the Constitution, it would be almost impossible in today's divisive world to repeal it. We STILL have a situation where it is possible to lose the election while still winning a good majority of national votes. That's what States Rights gives us... bah!