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GUEST,Jim Knowledge Most haunting melodies? (325* d) RE: Most haunting melodies? 01 Oct 24

I `ad that spiritualist, Sean Ceramus in my cab the other day. `e looked as white as a sheet and `ad the trembles. I thought `es was suffering an `angover.
I said, " Morning Brandy, What`s up with you then. `air of the dog and all that?"
`e said , "No Jim. I was at a seance and we were trying to make contact with John Lennon and the room was filled with this most beguiling, `aunting melody. It gave you goose pimples, I tell you. `ave you ever `eard a song which give you the jitters?"
I said, " Yeah. When I was a kid. Scared the living daylights out of me".
`e said, "What one was that then?"
I said, "With `er `ead Tucked Underneath `er Arm"!!

Whaddam I Like??

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