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Bill D BS: Israel & Hamas & gaza strip 2024 (170* d) RE: BS: American Presidential race 2024 06 Oct 24

Yes, the US provides most of Israel's weapons. We have been committed to their survival since the beginning.
   Now we are in the awkward position of approving Israel's defense, while disapproving of Bebe's horrendous use of many of those weapons for indiscriminate use of them to destroy any presumed locations of Hamas or Hezbollah.
I can't imagine how frustrating it is for Biden to straddle the line between 'protecting' and 'condemning' the actions.
You can imagine how the election would go if all arms to Israel were stopped! And, of course, continuing will lose great numbers of Palestinian sympathizers.
It's a paradigm of a no-win situation. I'm guessing that some things will change when and if Harris wins..perhaps even before she is sworn in.

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