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GUEST,Peter Laban 'Do you still own a CD player?' (47) RE: 'Do you still own a CD player?' 02 Dec 24

I find it particularly annoying.

Some twenty years ago I released a CD with a friend. Even then 'some people on the internet' were whining 'nobody buys CDs anymore'. Well people did then (thousands of them, actually) and here in Ireland CDs are still very much current: I picked up one last week in Custy's and they are doing good trade in the shop.

I don't like music downloads, never bought one. I find of the music I have sitting on the computer, I listen to very little of it, it's effectively just sitting there.

I have a large collection of lps and other vinyl sitting here and still occasionally add to it, mostly second hand finds. A box of 78 rpms too and most recently added a Gael Linn Willie Clancy and Joe Heaney one to that.

I am sure there's different strokes for different people but I am sticking with it.

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