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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Jim Knowledge “Lamentable Fiddlers” in Sandy Bell's Bar… (207* d) RE: “Lamentable Fiddlers” in Sandy Bell's Bar… 09 Dec 24

I `ad that Alec McFadden from the Scottish Traditional Society in my cab the the other day. `e was looking well flustered. `is sporran was back to front and `is face was a picture of disgruntlement.
I said, "What`s up Al? Tesco`s put the prices up again?"
`e said, " No Jim. `ave you seen on Mudcat what that Barbara Dickson said about Sandy Bell`s? Blooming cheek. She doesn`t even play the fiddle"
I said, "Yes I read it. She only expressed `er opinion, Nothing wrong with that. Just note and move on."
`e said, "No, I think she should be `eld to account and apologise to all the up and coming fiddlers."
I said, "What if she doesn`t? You gonna "Cancel" `er.

Whaddam I Like???

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