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GUEST,Cindy Kallet Copyright Tune Dick Swain Old Figurehead Carver (26) RE: Copyright Tune Dick Swain Old Figurehead Carver 14 Dec 24

Gordon recorded this on his "Apples in the Basket" album, and this is what he says in the liner notes: "Dick Swain found this wonderful poem in an old book, 'Songs of a Bluenose', by H.A. Cody. Dick gave this to Carol and me as a wedding present, having made a handsome tune and a chorus for it, and of course I had to learn it, woodcarver that I am. Cody was a preacher and a poet in St. John, New Brunswick, where the Marco Polo was built."

Gordon lists the copyright info as follows: ©1925 H.A. Cody / music and chorus lyrics ©1996 Dick Swain.

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