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GUEST,liferdog Lyr Add: Born in Cincinnati (from Frank McGovern) (9) RE: Lyr Add: Born in Cincinnati (from Frank McGovern) 20 Dec 24

My grandfather would sing this nonsense song. He didn't have the 'rooster' nor the 'pigs' verses. He did have others.

"A lady laid down by the sewer and by the sewer she died and at the coroner's request they called it sewer side.

Me father owned a big store house; he owned it in his mind, he put a shutter on the roof and did it for a blind.

My uncle owned a great big bull; it's size it was immense, it stuck it's horns into me back and threw me ore the fence. It chased me here, it chased me there, it chased me to Washington and there I got a pension for the battle of Bull Run."

I have sung it many times.

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