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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Bill D BS: Joke thread for 2025 (119* d) RE: BS: Joke thread for 2025 04 Jan 25

A guy was in Las Vegas, having bad luck at gambling. Finally, he took his last hundred dollars, filled up his car and headed back to California. He got about 20 miles when a little voice in his head..or somewhere....said "Stop the car!"
Startled, he pulled over to the side of the road. "Who is that?" he asked the air. The little voice said, "Turn around, go back to Vegas."
Now he was really nervous. "I can't go there, I just lost most of my money!"
   The voice insisted, "Go BACK to Vegas."
This was too much to resist. He turned around and in 30 minutes, he was back. "Go the the Sands Hotel!", said the little voice.
But that's where I almost went broke!" The little voice said "The Sands!"
   Incredulously, he parked and nervously walked into the casino floor.
"Go to the roulette table!", said the little voice.
He now had this feeling.. so he crowded into the group at the roulette.
"Wait!," said little voice. "Two more spins!"
He waited for two more spins.
"Now," said little voice, "Put your $100 on #23 black!"
Immediately, he followed this specific order.
The croupier spun the wheel, and the ball went round& round and finally settled into..
#18 Red!

"Hmm... how about that", said little voice.

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