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GUEST,jimm bainbridge “Lamentable Fiddlers” in Sandy Bell's Bar… (203* d) RE: “Lamentable Fiddlers” in Sandy Bell's Bar… 06 Jan 25

Maybe a lifetime is enough for something to become established as traditional'- or not...- the word is much abused- I heard someone speak of 'traditional email' recently- 30 years max...
English 'traditional' older recordings have a bit more to them than 'scrapy fiddle and up & down melodeon' & such a description does you no credit.
Currently 'English' music is based on such old recordings and a very few older musicians, and did NOT start with the revival folky bands of the early 70s. If today's version has changed again, well so what? Maybe thats whats happened at Sandy Bell's??

'Traditional' is a very much overused word in music circles. In the Irish context, 'traditional' music was detested by the state & survived in private homes & in the USA for decades until a more enlightened postwar state realised its value & took a pride in it & encouraged its revival. England and Scotland have never done that.

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